Saturday 26 October 2013

Guess the number

1)  A 10 digit number.
From left side:
        1'st digit of this number is total number of 0's in this number.
        2'st digit of this number is total number of 1's in this number. 
        3'st digit of this number is total number of 2's in this number.
        4'st digit of this number is total number of 3's in this number.
        10th digit of this number is total number of 9's in this number.

Sum of digits of the number is 10.

Most repeated digit is zero.


2) A 9 digit number    'abcdefghi'
  It contain digits 1 to 9 only one times.
  ab divisible by 2
  abc divisible by 3
  abcd divisible by 4
  abcde divisible by 5
  abcdef divisible by 6
  abcdefg divisible by 7
  abcdefgh divisible by 8
  abcdefghi divisible by 9
Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3

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