Mudu Maths

I like to solve mathematical problems in my own way. I decided to create a blog for solving mathematical problems. And name My blog as "Mudu Maths" and start blogging. This blog contains some mathematical problem and their solution.

My Posts

  • 100 Student and 1000 Door problem

    There was 100 students and 1000 closed doors. The 1st student opens all 1000 doors, the 2nd student closes doors 2,4,6,8,10, etc., the 3rd student opens doors closed and closes doors opened on doors 3,6,9,12,15,etc. after going all of 100 students how many doors are still open?

  • Factorials

    Some Fact about factorials.

  • ABC + DEF = GHI

    ABC + DEF = GHI and each letter represent number 1-9 and there is no repetition. Can you figure out it? There is how many set of 3 digit number that satisfy the above condition?

  • Guess the number
  • Sequences
  • Chess board 
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